Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ERAD 2010, 6-10 September Sibiu, Romania

The Romanian National Meteorological Administration will host the sixth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, ERAD 2010.

The city will be Sibiu (Hermanstadt) in Transylvania, Romania. The dates are from 6 to 10 of September 2010, with a pre-course in radar.
The site is www.erad2010.org with a backup at www.erad.eu and we will provide soon more details.
Some information is also available at www.meteoromania.ro in Romanian and English.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wave perturbation

The last two images are a rough analysis of almost the same moment, seen on radar and satellite, as a sinoptician would do: a classical wave-like perturbation.

On top, in the first image, you can see my analysis, where I am more interested on the banded character of precipitation.

What is nice to observe is that strong echoes develop around the occlusion and in the warm air mass, and not around the cold front as we would be temped to think.