Saturday, January 30, 2010

ERAD2010 - participants

The deadline for early registrations has come.
I wonder how much this event is impacting on my life. Well, I am addicted to it.

I look everyday, several times, at the list of people who registered. People I admire so much. I know their work, I know their passion. Some of them are my favourites, my models.

Some of them are new to me but "old" in the branch, I am so glad to discover them. Some of them are students. This edition is dedicated to them, to their courage to follow a scientist career in difficult times; and to women in radar science. If I could bring closer to 50-50 the percentage in gender participation, I could say I have accomplished one target.

I am going back now to contemplate again the list of great radar scientist people that will reach and enrich ERAD. I can not work too much these months for my own life, but I know that ERAD will bring something good to many people, and this is the most important reason to do things.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Black Sea El Ninho

Strong temperature differences in the marine waters on the Western Basin of the Black Sea. Wind is from N, 13 km/h. Air Temperature at Constanta is -17C.

Satellite IR EUMETSAT image from